

Participation and Representation

PAI’s mission cannot be accomplished without a strong, vibrant and representative civil society that can effectively influence funding and policy decisions. Key to this initiative is PAI’s focus on strengthening the advocacy and institutional capacity of local organizations and intentionally centering and elevating underrepresented populations in policymaking spaces.

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PAI envisions a world in which every person has access to high-quality, effective and affordable health care, including sexual and reproductive health services. To achieve this outcome, we focus on strengthening the advocacy and institutional capacity of local organizations that are most knowledgeable of the health policy landscape and cultural context. These civil society leaders are also the most capable of determining their advocacy strategy — whether as individuals, as organizations or as a movement — and identifying where they need assistance and support.

We consciously seek out new advocates and elevate the visibility of those from underrepresented populations who have been historically excluded. For example, despite their distinct health needs and crucial perspectives, adolescents and youth are often marginalized as leaders in the sexual and reproductive health and rights movement. Similarly, faith-based organizations are critical movement actors that have been overlooked and under-resourced. PAI works with civil society to better position these leaders in policymaking spaces and advance the right to health.

Young people need to be at the table for adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights policy because they are in a position to understand their own needs and direct the conversation.
Dr. Natasha Salifyanji Kaoma, founder and chief executive officer, Copper Rose Zambia (CRZ)

PAI’s programmatic work supports a strong and representative civil society advocating for funding and policy decisions.

PAI’s civil society support is rooted in strengthening the advocacy capacity of local organizations to successfully adapt and respond to changes over time, including shifts in national and subnational governments and politics, as well as trends in international funding and donor priorities with respect to sexual and reproductive health and rights.


Our advocacy for policy change at both the country and global levels is centered around three strategic initiatives.

We will not back down.

We are fighting back against the onslaught of harmful policies that discard reproductive rights.


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