

PAI’s work is in service of the right to health.

At PAI, we recognize that achieving sexual and reproductive health and rights for all requires advocacy for policy change at both the country and global levels. We work to ensure that country governments enact and implement the policies necessary to expand access to health care and provide sufficient resources for these services, including sexual and reproductive health care.

Our work is centered around three strategic initiatives:



Civil society action can drive governments to address the major health challenges impacting vulnerable populations, including women, children and adolescents. PAI works with grantee organizations to determine how best to collaborate with and support governments, while at the same time monitoring and reviewing progress and holding them accountable for their actions and commitments. In addition, we elevate sexual and reproductive health and rights at the global level and take action to address donor country policies that impede progress.

Participation and Representation

Participation and Representation

PAI’s mission cannot be accomplished without a strong, vibrant and representative civil society that can effectively influence funding and policy decisions. Key to this initiative is PAI’s focus on strengthening the advocacy and institutional capacity of local organizations and intentionally centering and elevating underrepresented populations in policymaking spaces.

Strengthening Health Systems

Strengthening Health Systems

Resilient health systems are crucial to a country’s ability to meet a population’s health needs and respond to health threats whenever they occur. Core to this work is improving global- and national-level financing to sustain health systems and implement policies that ensure quality of care, health equity and access to essential health services.

We will not back down.

We are fighting back against the onslaught of harmful policies that discard reproductive rights.


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