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Support the Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights Act

Policy Briefs

The U.S. State Department’s annual Human Rights Reports, a vital resource for advocates around the globe, have a limited mandate on sexual and reproductive rights. Under current U.S. law, the reports are only required to include data on forced abortion and involuntary sterilization. The U.S. administration in power determines whether the reports will cover more comprehensive sexual and reproductive rights information — including contraceptives, safe abortion and quality maternal health care — which has politicized the scope of reporting.

It is time for Congress to update the law to require that broader sexual and reproductive rights considerations, including all forms of reproductive coercion, are included every year.

We encourage you to stand up for the health and rights of women, girls and their communities by passing the Reproductive Rights are Human Rights Act to obligate the State Department to conduct comprehensive annual reporting on sexual and reproductive rights.

This bill would amend the Foreign Assistance Act to:

  1. Include specific reporting requirements on the status of reproductive rights; and
  2. Require the State Department to fully consult with local and U.S. civil society organizations specializing in women’s and girls’ rights when preparing each report.

To be added as a cosponsor of the Reproductive Rights are Human Rights Act, please reach out to staff in the offices of Representative Katherine Clark and Senator Bob Menendez.

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