
Progress on Family Planning 2020 Commitments in Nigeria


The Motion Tracker is a civil society-led approach for strengthening accountability and driving action to achieve commitments. It is a customized, dynamic framework for strengthening accountability and driving action by keeping commitments visible and highlighting progress while fostering partner participation, engagement and ownership to address bottlenecks to achieving commitments.

The government of Nigeria has committed to the following: 

(1) We will embark on deliberate efforts to ensure sustainable financing for the national family planning program. Specially, the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) will ensure provision of $4 million annually from 2017 to 2020 for procurement of contraceptives for the public sector (an increase from the $3 million committed from 2011 to 2014), including payment of backlog of commitments for 2013 and 2014. The FMoH will work with the state government, donors and other stakeholders to ensure incremental domestic resources for the national family planning program, including health insurance programs, in order to make family planning indeed free at public health facilities and more affordable at private sector health facilities.

(2) We will work to reduce physical barriers to family planning utilization by increasing the number of health facilities providing family planning services across the country, from about 9,000 presently to 20,000 in 2020. We will also work to reform and expand task shifting policy and its implementation to include patent medicine vendors and community resource persons in order to expand access in difficult-to-reach areas and amongst disadvantaged populations. Attempts will be made to scale up access to new contraceptive methods, including subcutaneous (DMPA-SC) injection, in the public and private sectors, including removal of regulatory barriers that impede access. Emphasis would also be made to expedite the transformation of the public health sector last mile distribution of health commodities using integrated informed push models through involvement of the private sector organizations for optimization of transportation and tracking of commodities using electronic logistics management solutions. 

(3) We will leverage community structures such as ward development communities around the 10,000 functional primary health care centers under the Primary Health Care Under One Roof programme of government to promote behavioral change communication messages in order to foster positive perceptions about family planning. We will place emphasis on ensuring age-appropriate information on sexual [and] reproductive health is provided to young people in and out of schools, including provision of youth-friendly services in traditional and nontraditional outlets. 

Progress as of July-December 2019


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