
PAI Mourns the Loss of Victoria Post Sant

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The Board of Directors and staff of PAI mourn the loss of Vicki Sant, a longtime leader on the PAI Board and perpetual promoter and benefactor of efforts to improve the reproductive health of women at home and abroad, on December 11th at the age of 79 after a long illness.

Vicki’s steadfast dedication to PAI’s work and mission is almost without peer, dating back four decades to her service as volunteer beginning in the mid-1970s and later as an enthusiastic leader and member of the PAI Board of Directors. Without exaggeration it can be said that PAI would not be what it is today without the investments that she made in our organization—not only financial but of her time and many talents. Moreover, Vicki’s commitment to the cause of women’s reproductive freedom through the grantmaking of the Sant family’s Summit Foundation has profoundly influenced the evolution of the family planning and reproductive health field around the globe.

The health and well-being of millions of women and their families have profited enormously as well from Vicki’s active service on the PAI Board and as leader of a multitude of institutions engaged in a diverse set of endeavors to improve the human condition. Through this leadership and the pioneering vision of her philanthropy, the quality of life of all people has been enhanced immeasurably—helping to foster not just material progress, but bringing about intellectual, educational, cultural, and environmental advances.

Vicki’s level of involvement and service to the Washington, D.C. community and to organizations working across the United States and around the world to enhance people’s lives is astonishing in its scope and depth, as chronicled in her Washington Post obituary and in the notice of her passing published by the family.

Her graciousness and generosity of spirit in sharing her insights and bringing her friends and colleagues together for the benefit of PAI have been highly treasured. We will deeply miss not having the benefit of Vicki’s wise counsel and sincere friendship in the years to come.

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