World Health Organization COVID-19: Social Media Kit

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To help ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights remain a priority in the implementation of the WHO guidance at the country level, FP2020 and PAI developed a joint brief, “Optimizing the World Health Organization COVID-19 Interim Guidance,” providing a snapshot of the current context and recommendations for concrete policy, programmatic and budgetary decisions. With the input of international nongovernmental organizations and local civil society actors, we will continue to update these recommendations with new evidence and expertise through the pandemic response and recovery.
Please help us spread the word that the needs of women, young people and vulnerable populations must be met during this ongoing health emergency.

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Social Media Posts
Civil society advocates play a key role in ensuring SRH services and information remain available—and not deprioritized—during a health emergency. Read @FP2020Global and @pai_org's recommendations for advocacy during and beyond #COVID19
With input from INGOs and local CSOs, this new brief provides a snapshot of relevant national & subnational #COVID19 SRH guidelines and highlights concrete policy, programmatic and budgetary priorities for country-level implementation of @WHO guidance
CSOs must hold governments accountable for their commitments on implementation of @WHO #COVID19 guidance: 📊 Collect & share data on supplies, services, health outcomes ⚖️ Monitor and track policy developments 💲 Monitor and track budgets Read more:
Read @pai_org's blog post featuring @ANJSRPF’s Aminata Badiane Thioye on why participation of young people is vital for #SRHR in COVID-19 responses
Additional Resources and Information
Optimizing the World Health Organization COVID-19 Interim Guidance