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PAI is working to advance universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights through advocacy, partnerships and funding of changemakers.
Our Mission

2-up Title Second

Nullam eleifend vitae mauris eget laoreet. Fusce accumsan, dui nec malesuada laoreet, ligula nisi tincidunt dui, nec mollis lectus urna sit amet ligula.

2-up Title Third

Proin eget accumsan nisi, non laoreet dolor. Quisque iaculis lacus sed ultricies venenatis. Cras sit amet purus ullamcorper augue blandit facilisis

2-up Title Fourth

In tincidunt, magna cursus lacinia laoreet, mi sem imperdiet libero, sit amet vehicula dui tortor vitae magna.

Title 2

Maecenas eget bibendum lectus. Morbi elementum posuere gravida. Nam quis lectus massa. Nulla magna nunc, mollis vitae tempor sed, ultrices sed metus.

Title 3

In maximus egestas libero vitae feugiat. Donec ex enim, ultrices ut purus nec, ornare porttitor turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Cras sed erat sed velit lobortis aliquet

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PAI 2022 Annual Report

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PAI YOUAccess logo

PAI YOUAccess logo

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Trump reinstated the Global Gag Rule on January 24, 2025.

We are fighting back against this and other harmful policies that discard reproductive rights.


Continue to PAI.org

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