
Stronger Together: PAI’s 2022 Year in Review

Analysis Nabeeha Kazi Hutchins, President and CEO

As the year comes to a close, I am optimistic about what lies ahead. Optimistic because despite the ongoing attacks on bodily autonomy, alarming increases in gender-based violence, child marriage and teen pregnancies and high rates of unmet need for sexual and reproductive health, we stand together.

And it is the WE that gives me strength, hope and courage.

As I look back at 2022, the bright spots for me are the PAI team, 120 community-based partners, our shared voice and the movement.

Team PAI: Each member of the PAI staff is a changemaker. They are leaders who continue to hold the U.S. government and global institutions accountable, and who bring a depth of experience in having worked side by side with governments abroad to create pro-sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) policies, fostered civil society networks around the world and not only tracked and analyzed data and evidence, but also translated and amplified knowledge to inspire action.

This team is also a group of leaders who are extraordinary stewards of each dollar we receive for our mission. They are relentless in ensuring that every word, image and soundbite aligns with our values and commitments to principled partnerships. And they ensure that diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging are woven into the PAI fabric. It is our vibrant team and strong culture that are core to our identity and achieving our future aspirations — as established in our Vision 2025 strategic plan — and it is one we will protect and continue to fortify.

120 Partners Strong: We are proud of our collaboration with more than 120 community-based partners across 36 countries. Our partners have pushed for contraceptive and reproductive health access for all, demanded sexual and reproductive rights and ensured that youth have menstrual health services and comprehensive sexuality education and can protect themselves from gender-based violence. It is the ecosystem of civil society advocates — elevating our voice, sharing our power and bringing many to the community table in the quest for justice, equity and progress for all — that is resounding.

Our Shared Voice: Throughout the year, PAI not only spoke up, but also ceded space for others to do so. As the U.S. constitutional right to an abortion was overturned, we took to the steps of the Supreme Court, the streets and the airwaves. In addition, we developed more than 35 publications, shared our point of view in over 50 articles, blogs and media placements on the impact of Roe, the lingering effects of the Global Gag Rule, menstrual health as essential for gender equality, what war and humanitarian crises do to SRHR access and more. We shared analysis and perspectives on the U.S. policy landscape through PAI’s Washington Memo series and Congressional activities. We curated important conversations, webinars, panels and perspectives where our partners were in the spotlight on their terms and with their own voices. We stayed visible together as truth seekers, truth speakers and the protectors of progress.

The Movement: While threats remain, the global SRHR movement is strong and grows stronger at each turn. PAI and our ecosystem of partners are an important part of this movement — not only in our words and actions, but also because we recognize, celebrate and invest in the achievements of those who surround us. We may face challenges, but our movement is unstoppable.

A heartfelt thank you to the entire PAI team and our families and friends, as well as PAI’s esteemed board of directors, civil society peers and partners, consultants, interns, volunteers, researchers, policymakers, donors, champions and more for your support of our mission. Thank you for being the bright, bold and inspiring example that, when we speak together, stand together and fight together, we are stronger together.

Happy holidays and my best wishes for the New Year.

In solidarity,

Nabeeha Kazi Hutchins
President and CEO

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